Hassle Free Seminars Blog
New Seminar Dates for 2025
Are you an aspiring real estate investor or a seasoned one seeking to maximize your rental income while minimizing the typical headaches of property management? Look no further than David Tilney’s “Hassle Free…
Read MoreNavigating COVID-19 With Your Tenants
David Tilney shares tips on how to be a successful property manager including how to keep your hand on the pulse of your tenants as they—and you—navigate through these challenging times with COVID-19.
Read MoreTalking Management Mindset with David Tilney
Talking Management Mindset with David Tilney Today is a real treat because I will be talking with one of my friends and mentors, David Tilney. In my opinion, he’s the best there is…
Read More10 Reasons Why I Feel Blessed To Be A Landlord
https://vimeo.com/261217295 View Our Upcoming Seminars and Events
Read MoreDavid Tilney’s Top 10 List for Thinking Outside the Box as a Property Manager
10. Re-keying properties between tenants may NOT decrease your liability exposure. 9. Many pre-1978 properties can be managed without increased risk or cost. 8. Receive all rents before the 1st of the month…
Read More14 Google Alerts Every Property Manager Should Be Searching On
We have all heard of Google Alerts but are we actually using them? For those who needed a refresher, Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google search results (i.e. web, your…
Read MoreFree Master Leasing Radio Interview
Master Leasing is the most economical way to get into the real estate business today. David talks about how the current housing market has created the perfect storm to use Master Leases to make money…
Read MoreA testimonial from a prior attendee
I just received this testimonial letter in my email and wanted to share it with everyone here… David, I’ve talked to you before about the success I’ve been having implementing ideas from the course you…
Read MoreMASTER LEASING: Creating Cash-Flow Without Capital
www.BusinessDictionary.com defines a master lease as a “controlling lease under which a lessee can sub-lease a property for a period not extending the term of the master lease. Never have I seen a…
Read MoreTwo Heads are Better Than One
Two weeks ago John Schaub and I presented “Generating Cash Flow During Uncertain Times” to the Bay Area Wealth Builders Association in San Francisco. John and I have known each other for years,…
Read MoreGenerating Cash Flow During Uncertain Times
I’m excited about presenting this seminar next month in San Francisco with John Schaub. John and I have known each other for years, but have never taught together. He is one of three…
Read MoreHow to Survive and Thrive in Real Estate Today
The Bay Area Wealth Builders (www.bawb.info) has invited John Schaub and me to present a two day seminar in San Francisco July 17 & 18 titled: Generating Cash Flow During Uncertain Times. The…
Read MoreWe Need to Spend Time To Protect Our Freedoms
Yesterday I received an email with an urgent plea for action. The plea stated: “HUD has proposed to eliminate ALL seller financing unless the seller lives in the home or becomes a licensed…
Most landlords don’t realize that tenant safety decreases and landlord liability increases when a master key system is used for rental properties. The truth is that convenience and key storage should not dictate…
Read MoreLead Paint – TO TEST OR NOT TO TEST…
Generally owners of pre-1978 houses don’t test properties for lead-based paint. They don’t want to know if lead exists since testing results must then be given to everyone who wants to rent or…
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