Generally owners of pre-1978 houses don’t test properties for lead-based paint. They don’t want to know if lead exists since testing results must then be given to everyone who wants to rent or buy. I take a different approach. Testing shows both where lead exists on the property and where it does not. Painting, repairing and renovating areas that do not contain lead-based paint do not require hiring certified lead-paint contractors to do the work. Lead paint was expensive and was generally used only on the exterior of properties because it held up better in the elements.
This summer we had 7 properties tested for lead-based paint by a certified lead-paint risk assessor using an XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer) machine. These properties were built between 1951 and 1973. All houses were found to be “lead safe” and only the mailbox post at one location was found to have lead paint. We have since written to all owners of houses we sandwich lease suggesting that they have their houses inspected. All but one owner have asked us to test to test their properties so I will update the results in a future post.
Click Here To See My Previous Lead-Paint Post
David Tilney has lived in Naples FL with his wife Mary since 2002. He and his wife manage rental houses in Colorado Springs CO without employees. David also teaches landlords across the country how to enjoy managing their property while avoiding potential pitfalls along the way.