I’m excited about presenting this seminar next month in San Francisco with John Schaub. John and I have known each other for years, but have never taught together. He is one of three instructors that I told my kids that I would pay the tuition if they went to hear him. John teaches good solid basics for anyone wanting to invest in rental houses. His main seminar, which he has recently rewritten, teaches students to call a group of sellers and ask them a series of questions to see how motivated they are to sell their property. The students also have the opportunity to go out and shake down the actual properties and attempt to make a deal. Years ago when I took his seminar I remember a group of us all marching through a seller’s home and rolling marbles on the floor (to see if the floors were level), flushing all toilets at the same time (to check the property’s water pressure) and asking all kinds of additional questions to lower the seller’s expectations. It was a great seminar because it taught those who participated not to fear asking hard questions and to enjoy the process of negotiating a purchase.
I’m excited to see how John & I will address this seminar’s topic. I intend to spend some time talking about master leasing to build income because I believe that this is the safest and surest way to build income today without the need for capital. I also want to cover reducing expenses and increasing efficiency since both increase bottom line cash flow and often it is easier to reduce expenses than it is to increase income.
It will be a blast! Hope you can join us. More info here: http://www.bawb.info/workshop/