Hassle Free Seminars Blog
14 Google Alerts Every Property Manager Should Be Searching On
We have all heard of Google Alerts but are we actually using them? For those who needed a refresher, Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google search results (i.e. web, your…
Read MoreFree Master Leasing Radio Interview
Master Leasing is the most economical way to get into the real estate business today. David talks about how the current housing market has created the perfect storm to use Master Leases to make money…
Read MoreA testimonial from a prior attendee
I just received this testimonial letter in my email and wanted to share it with everyone here… David, I’ve talked to you before about the success I’ve been having implementing ideas from the course you…
Read MoreMASTER LEASING: Creating Cash-Flow Without Capital
www.BusinessDictionary.com defines a master lease as a “controlling lease under which a lessee can sub-lease a property for a period not extending the term of the master lease. Never have I seen a…
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